thedailypic•Yr5•079/365•1540•The Epic Battle

Yr5•079/365•1540 The Epic Battle December 18, 2013
The Epic Battle
December 18, 2013

Conservative guess, I have taken about 150k photos over the years, maybe more.  It is not often I get heckled while shooting them, but I did today.  My friend Joe had an idea for a shot, these figures are his.  He is one of the owners of Rubber Chicken Comics in Bellingham, MA (need Christmas presents, that is the place to go) and had an idea. Set up Ace Chicken – Rubber Chicken’s mighty mascot – to be in battle with an At At Walker in the snow of Hoth, or this case the Rubber Chicken parking lot. The sun was setting, it was cold and there we were standing next to a snow bank setting up toys.  A gentleman in a fine-looking hockey jersey, though in no physical shape to actually be a Hockey player, walked past us and up the hill to the main road. First he was yelling “Luke, I am your father.” Which is annoying, since that is not the quote, the correct quote is just “I am your father”, Vader does not say Luke, he actually says No first… look it up, everyone gets it wrong.  Including Hockey Dough-boy. As he gets further up the hill he makes laser sounds, like he is shooting at us, “pew pew pew”, then when he reaches the street and is nowhere near us, he yells “Why don’t you geeks get a real job!”.  Unexpected, I mean it was considerate of him to worry about my career. After all it was almost 5pm and here he was drunk, ready to play hockey walking to I assume his home from a bar, misquoting Empire, making laser sounds and still… he was worried about us and how we make a living. There are just not enough Hockey dough-boys in the world.


2 thoughts on “thedailypic•Yr5•079/365•1540•The Epic Battle

  1. Brian McGowan says:

    Maybe Hockey Dough-boy was just a Trekkie and simply meant by “get a real job” for you to photograph Mister Spock or Captain Picard action figures instead.

    And I take offense at your implying that all alcoholics are rude and ignorant!

    (By the way, how many people do you think misquote: “Play it again, Sam.”?)

  2. Donna says:

    It takes all kinds Timmy! Just don’t get bunched up about it 🙂 And taking photos isn’t a real job is it!!! HAHAHA…Don’t tell my Megan I said that! Merry Christmas to you and all your little plastic men!


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