Reproduction and Restoration

Save your older memories in a current format. Have an old photo, negative, slide? Want a digital file of it. Does it need to be cleaned up? Maybe even restored? I offer options, all done in my studio. I have been working with photographic media for 30 years. Your photos, slides, and negatives are one of a kind. They never leave my possession and are treated with the respect they deserve.

  • Slides – Negatives – Images – Artwork to Digital Files
  • No cost consultation/estimates provided
  • All work done on-site at Medway Studio
  • Print options are available once files are digitized
  • Copyright laws are always respected
  • Restoration of images once digitized (note every situation is unique and there are limitations to restoration)
  • Unprocessed Film and Slide development is not a service I provide, though feel free to reach out for recommendations.

Contact me for information or a quote.


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