the dailypic 5387 yr15 274 Mathematical Whim
I got back from a trip to California yesterday. Five days in Joshua Tree (the town) with numerous visits to
Continue readingthe dailypic 5387 yr15 274 Mathematical Whim
hold life still
I got back from a trip to California yesterday. Five days in Joshua Tree (the town) with numerous visits to
Continue readingthe dailypic 5387 yr15 274 Mathematical Whim
Yucca Brevifolia is the actual name of Joshua Trees. I find them fascinating. I learned a lot about them while
While waiting for the sunlight to leave and the Milky Way to rise, I had some fun with the light
Last night, we headed back to Joshua Tree National Park. First, we sat high on rocks to watch the light
Continue readingthe dailypic 5383 yr15 270 Joshua Stands Still
OK, so the top picture maybe shouldn’t have been chosen as the ‘dailypic’ I went back and forth on this.
Continue readingthe dailypic 5382 yr15 269 Momentary Existence
I left my house before sunrise and am now watching the sunset in Joshua Tree, CA. It is 115 degrees,
I shot The Joshua Tree at the End Zone in Mendon tonight. Awesome U2 tribute band. Great show. The End
Continue readingthedailypic•Yr7•226/366•2417•The Joshua Tree