the dailypic 5416 yr15 303 Sky
The sky on July 29, 2024 taken with an old Hasselblad 500c camera from 1971. I guess this would be
hold life still
The sky on July 29, 2024 taken with an old Hasselblad 500c camera from 1971. I guess this would be
Another negative brought back from the forgotten. It was taken on the North Side in 1994. The crowd gathered and
Another few digitized negatives. 1993, from the top of the Empire State Building. I did not even know I had
With the eclipse on our minds this week, it got me thinking about the first one I photographed – Thirty
Playing with the Hasselblad, the 50-year-old lens with the brand new digital back is all used to get a slightly
The spot I bring all my cameras on our first date has been since 1992. This afternoon was different. I
Eighteen photos of Reykjavik (and the area ) from the 1971 Widelux point-and-shoot landscape camera. Nothing fancy. It documents. I
Continue readingthe dailypic 5060 yr14 312 Reykjavik The Widelux 18
I used two film cameras while in Reykjavik, today’s photos are the results from my Hasselblad 500c. A camera not
Continue readingthe dailypic 5059 yr14 311 Reykjavik The Hasselblad 18
I shot a roll of film in Boston, along the water near Fan Pier and Atlantic Ave. I took the
Thirty years ago, my girlfriend and I would take test photos with my old Pentax K1000 in makeshift studios. Always
The other day I posted photos from Eight Arch Bridge in Holliston. While there, I also photographed it with my
Continue readingthe dailypic 5024 yr14 275 Arch Bridge on Film
The second of the new (to me) film cameras in my arsenal. A Hasselblad 500C medium format camera. There are