the dailypic 5384 yr15 271 Smug in Neckerchief

There is no way these guys do not know how cool they are. I could have a set of 30 or so of them. All of them have the same expression: pure argonace. Each posed for me, daring me not to take the photo, then waiting for me to take a second one. Just got back from my third night in the park taking pictures. The good stuff is yet to come, but it is 3 am Eastern time, so I must crash. Tomorrow, we head home. And the “neckerchief boy” and his friends must find someone else to take their portraits.


1 thought on “the dailypic 5384 yr15 271 Smug in Neckerchief

  1. Nancy Vinton says:

    He is definitely giving you the evil eye. He is a handsome guy who knows it!!!!

    Glad you had a wonderful trip.


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