the dailypic 5030 yr14 281 Couple Portraits

Thirty years ago, my girlfriend and I would take test photos with my old Pentax K1000 in makeshift studios. Always black and white, the film developed by hand, trying out light setups, figuring out how to get better at all this, trying different techniques, and not going to lie, it made for easy cheap dates. Thirty years later, here I am again. I spent part of today testing lighting with my new film camera. The Pentax is now a Hasselblad 500c – a wish I could never have even had back then, the makeshift studios have been upgraded to my barn with lighting that is not a bare bulb that needs to cool down before it can be touched, and the girlfriend is now my wife. I am happy with the first studio shot results. And for a dailypic first, the photos were shot on film, developed by hand, processed, scanned, and added to the blog all in the same day. The only thing that downgraded in 30 years is the hairline, but my wife still sits for my cheap dates.


4 thoughts on “the dailypic 5030 yr14 281 Couple Portraits

  1. Sue Bednarek says:

    Still beautiful inside and out after all these years of wonderful stories and photos! What an amazing life you two have made!

  2. Annmarie Fontecchio says:

    Amazing daily pic!!!
    You are also a great storyteller!


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